Alexander Fischer (University of British Columbia) announces the publication of an edition and two essays: Gregor Aichinger, Lacrumae Divae Virginis et Joannis in Christum a cruce depositum (Augsburg: Johannes Praetorius, 1604). Recent Researches in the Music of the Baroque Era 211. Middleton, Wisc.: A-R Editions, 2020; “Die Teutsche Nation: Musical Links between the Habsburg Courts and the German States of the Empire.” In A Companion to Music at the Habsburg Courts in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, edited by Andrew W. Weaver, 467-98. Leiden: Brill, 2020. And the chapter on music in A Companion to Late Medieval and Early Modern Augsburg, edited by B. Ann Tlusty and Mark Häberlein, 553–74. Leiden: Brill, 2020.
Mary E. Frandsen (University of Notre Dame) has recently published two articles, “Matters of Taste: the Lutheran Market for Sacred Music in the Seventeenth Century,” in Early Music History 39 (2020): 149–218, and “The Hymn Repertory of the Dresden Court Chapel in the Later Seventeenth Century,” in Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie 59 (2020): 136–55. She also contributed the essay “Schütz am Dresdener Hof, 1645–1672” to the Schütz-Handbuch forthcoming from Metzler Verlag in 2022.
In November 2020, the Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music (JSCM) released a special issue titled “Thirty Years of War: Henrich Schütz and Music in Protestant Germany.” Co-edited by JSCM editor Lois Rosow and guest editor Victor Coelho, the eight essays stemmed from a conference of the same name sponsored by Boston University’s Center for Early Music Studies, held on May 11–12, 2018.
- Joshua Rifkin: Glimpses of War: Schütz, the Dresden Court Chapel, and Geschichte von unten
- Bettina Varwig: Music in the Thirty Years War: Towards an Emotional History of Listening
- Derek Stauff: Music and the Leipzig Convention (1631)
- Keith Polk: Schütz in Pre-War Dresden: Performers and Their Performance Traditions, 1615–1630
- Arne Spohr: From “Seiten-Kunst” to “Fürsten Gunst”: The Careers of the Anglo-German Musicians William, Christian, and Steffen Brade in the Context of the Thirty Years War
- Joanna Carter Hunt: A Tale of Two Cantors: Heinrich Grimm (1592–1637) and Thomas Selle (1599–1663) during the Thirty Years War
- Hannah Spracklan-Holl: Protestantism, Patriotism, and the Idea of Germanness in a Seventeenth-Century Singspiel: Neu erfundenes FreudenSpiel genandt Friedens Sieg (1642)
- Torbjørn Skinnemoen Ottersen: Echoes of Heaven, Echoes of Schütz, and Echoes of the Thirty Years War? Kreuzkantor Rudolf Mauersberger and his Dresdner Requiem
Like all volumes of JSCM, it is available without cost online at